
Showing posts from January, 2021

#4) The Beginnings of a Video Series

Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. Today I'm going to try something a little different. For the first three weeks, if you may have noticed, I've been reading from a script. But this time, I'm going to try to speak more freely, and well, we'll see how this goes. First, let me take you back to November, when I was listening to church. And this guy just kept going on and on about how there's so much hatred in the world. All these people fighting, and you have political strife, you have the coronavirus tearing everybody apart. And he says -- he just kept saying: We're better than this. Why is everybody angry? Why is there so much hate? Why can't we just show love and understanding? And actually work together? And it hit me that: you know what? This is one area where I think I can actually help. I can create this video series and try to inspire people -- try to help people to see the world in a different light, to learn thi

#3) Life Coaches

Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. This week, I've decided to break away from all the introductions and give you some actual advice. Today we're going to talk about life coaches. "What's a life coach?" you may ask. Perhaps it's best for me to answer with my own experience. A few years ago, I was lost. I didn't know what to do next in life. Work was particularly stressful, and I was frustrated, wondering why I wasn't getting anywhere. But then came my friend Wayne. At church, he approached me and asked if I needed a life coach. I didn't know what that was, but I figured it was worth a try. He then listened to what I wanted in life -- what my dreams were, what my frustrations were, and before I knew it, he was quickly helping me to organize my thoughts. He helped me to come up with plans, and to execute them. He helped me to develop good habits and to keep track of my progress. And here we are, hard at work. Bec

#2) Introducing Mel

Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better." I am Melvyn Windham, and today I will introduce myself so you may understand what I have to offer and what you can look forward to in future videos. One thing you'll learn is that I'm always busy. I'm always pursuing and learning new things. I hate being bored, so I hope to teach you how to enjoy life like I do. I'm also a funny and energetic guy, able to spontaneously change most words into bad puns. You may notice my funny voice, which I use often to my advantage. Eventually I hope to find ways to bring this energy and humor to this series, but I haven't figured out how to do that just yet ... so be patient. I'm a musician -- able to play the piano, trumpet, French horn, and organ. I'm also a composer, having written hours of music. I have a Masters degree, but stopped there because I didn't like the academia. I own my own sheet music company, Melkim Publishing , entering its fifth year. At fi

#1) First Introductions

Hello and welcome to "Always Be Better" with me, Melvyn Windham. I invite you to join me as we explore a myriad of random topics, which will help us to learn how to become better people and change the world. Have you ever wondered what purpose you have in life? Do you ever feel trapped or useless? Does it ever feel like something’s missing? Or do you wish you could do something about what’s going on in the world? If so, you are not alone. I’ve created this series so that we can figure this out together. I know deep down inside we are all good people. Together we humans have tamed the elements. We have built large cities and infrastructures, created technologies and systems that support billions of people on this planet. We are capable of amazing feats. And we are prospering, … but not without issues. Hunger, poverty, sickness, emergencies, greed, deception, and many other problems plague our world, but we humans always seem to overcome these due to our inherent nature. And

Hello World

 Hello. This is a new blog. Stay tuned for more details.