#1) First Introductions

Hello and welcome to "Always Be Better" with me, Melvyn Windham. I invite you to join me as we explore a myriad of random topics, which will help us to learn how to become better people and change the world.

Have you ever wondered what purpose you have in life? Do you ever feel trapped or useless? Does it ever feel like something’s missing? Or do you wish you could do something about what’s going on in the world?

If so, you are not alone. I’ve created this series so that we can figure this out together.

I know deep down inside we are all good people. Together we humans have tamed the elements. We have built large cities and infrastructures, created technologies and systems that support billions of people on this planet. We are capable of amazing feats. And we are prospering, … but not without issues.

Hunger, poverty, sickness, emergencies, greed, deception, and many other problems plague our world, but we humans always seem to overcome these due to our inherent nature.

And each of us — including you — have that same innate goodness and potential. It doesn't matter how much money you have, what social status you hold, what your political affiliation is, what religion or philosophy you believe, or what issues plague you.

We can always be better. We can always improve. We can accomplish many things, whether as individuals or together in groups. We can overcome the world’s problems.

And that's exactly what I hope to accomplish with this weekly series of short videos. I have no idea where this is going, but I have plenty of topics planned, and little by little we can learn to improve and become better.

We’ll start first with introductory material, but then future discussions will build on earlier ones until we can attack the really difficult and advanced topics. I'll also be reading and responding to comments, which will undoubtedly shape the future of this series.

So once more, I invite you to join me in this journey. Subscribe to this YouTube channel and/or the accompanying blog listed in the comments, and get ready to spend five minutes a week discussing how to improve our lives. I'm looking forward to this adventure, and I hope you are, too.

Thanks, and this is Melvyn Windham saying, we can Always Be Better.


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