#43) Are You Worthy?

Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham.

Yes, I know. It's been quite some time since I've posted a video -- I'll explain what's been going on in my world, but first, I want to talk about ... you.

In these videos, I tend to use the words "we" and "us" a lot. This is intentional, because I like to remind you AND me that WE are in this together. It's not just YOU being a better person, but rather, ME as well. But for the first video of this year, I'm going to concentrate on YOU. I'm going to ask some questions, and I'd like for you to consider your answers. And I'm going to ask at the end: "Are you worthy?" Though, I should probably clarify first that my good friend Barth will not be making an appearance today,

<Barth appears on camera, but then becomes disappointed.>

Maybe he'll come back later. We'll see.

But one thing I've learned last year is that not everyone wants to be better. Perhaps it's part of our current environment, where we are constantly bombarded by pressure to hate each other. Join this team over here, and keep in line, or else. So great is the hate of some that they'll even turn on their own people -- just because they disagree on one tiny detail.

And it's been very disheartening. I still want to believe that any person is redeemable, but last year was just bad. I guess -- for me, that is. On social media I've interacted with many who exhibit no desire at all to engage in good-faith discussions. They just want to drop ad-hominems, which we'll learn about later this year, and they want to attack their opponents, scoring one for the big team and showing off their own zero-tolerance and self-righteousness.

However, at the same time, in my quest, I've actually picked up a few friends among my "opponents." In other words, there is HOPE. In each of these encounters, we began with potshots, and perhaps a couple of ad-hominems, and then plenty of rebuttals. Then we started realizing that the other person was intelligent and making an effort to discuss in good faith. Both of us learned things, and we ended up following each other. So, it turns out that my quest is not in vain. And I'm not the only one reaching out. Ultimately, these are the people who are going to turn things around.

Though we may not agree on specific topics, many of us are concerned. We want the world to be better. We want people to work together and come up with solutions that help us head in the right direction. And this is where you come in.

Are you worthy? Let's find out.

We'll start with this. Why are you watching this video? If you've made it this far, it may demonstrate that you have the willingness to be better -- to actively look for ways to improve yourself. So, do you want to be a better person?

Are you willing to reach out and find ways to become better? Are you willing to watch videos, read books, take courses, or even enlist one of your friends as a life coach? Are you willing to practice the techniques and concepts that you learn? Are you willing to help others do the same?

There exist many paths to that better YOU. And all you need is the DESIRE and the WILLINGNESS to always push forward. If you have these two traits, the desire and the willingness, then YES, you are worthy. And then with determination, you can figure out that path that's best for you, and you'll start seeing improvements.

I invite you to check out my own video series -- what I have so far. I'll put a few links here that split my videos into different categories, if any catch your fancy. 

Perhaps you'll find something that will help. And it's all FREE!

My vision is grand, and I see us all working together -- understanding each other -- helping each other -- coming up with solutions -- doing our small parts in helping the world be a better place.

So, what do you think? Are you in? Would you like to become better and help push things forward? Are you worthy?

Just think about it.

In the meantime, I'm going to switch gears and catch you up on some exciting developments in my world. You may remember that last year I had hoped to produce 20 videos, and I was on track until early October when a unique opportunity arose. It was one of those drop everything deals. I had already recorded my planned video on anger, but I shelved it and several other projects to take advantage of this other opportunity. And well -- it was successful -- something that may help my publishing business get off the ground, but I can't talk about it yet. Maybe later this year.

But what this meant for us was: only 12 videos last year. And I'm sad to report that videos are going to be light this year as well. Maybe 12. Maybe 10. But once I process these current opportunities to get my business up to critical mass, I'll be able to come back and produce these videos more frequently.

But don't worry. In a couple of weeks I'll release my video on anger. It'll be awesome.

Thanks for watching, and remember, we can "Always Be Better."


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