#33) It's Time for Politics!

Hello and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham.

Today, I officially kick off the Politics Track with a quick introduction. I'm excited about this, because people say there are three topics you should never talk about: religion, politics, and sex. And well -- we're going to talk about two of those in this video series. So -- yeah -- exciting!

So, why is it we can't talk about these topics? I believe it's because someone is likely to get offended and/or angry, and then dinner is ruined.

But isn't politics kind of -- well -- important? Every day, important decisions could affect the lives of everyone. So, wouldn't it make sense to get involved, say your say, and help to guide the way things turn out? Shouldn't it be in our best interests to go ahead and discuss politics?

I certainly enjoy a good discussion. It stimulates the brain, and I always end up learning something. But from my experience, most people do not know how to have productive political discussions. Either we really don't care, or we care too much and get all angry and pedantic, and nothing gets resolved.

However, I'll tell you this now -- I have had many good and productive discussions on a variety of political topics, including the really big ones I hope to crack open here in this video series. It's very possible to discuss these without getting angry. It's possible to compare and combine ideas to come up with solutions that benefit many.

Ultimately, it is politics that inspired me to start this series. I'm excited that so many people seem to be interested these days -- even celebrities and other popular figures who traditionally have stayed out of politics.

But then at the same time, I'm distressed, because everyone is doing it wrong. Bad logic, bad faith, an increased sense of "us vs. them." Even good people I admired growing up are now saying things like, "Life would be a lot better without those guys." 

Our mortal enemies are not some scary foreign power, or dangerous plague, but rather ourselves. It's like we're already in a strange kind of civil war. Friends are parting, marriages are breaking up. Everyone must choose a side and then hate each other.

Then you have independents like me who seem to make people angry on both sides. If this get worse and goes beyond words, I'm not sure what people like me are supposed to do.

And this whole time, I'm thinking: aren't we better than this? Is there anything I can do to help people realize what's going on, and help them to be wiser? Can I get people to work together toward mutual solutions? 

I know what we're capable of, and I'm thinking: if only people would learn the "7 Habits" and incorporate its principles. If only people would learn the very basic and simple principles of logic and critical thinking. If only we could learn to respect each other and then learn how to voice our concerns civilly. 

Then this civil war would end. People would be wiser. The world would instantly be a better place, and we would all be much more likely to enjoy living.

And viola ... this video series was born.

So, yes -- my vision is grand. And I know what some of you are thinking ... I'm some kind kind of idealist who has no idea how the world works. But I'll tell you here and now ... I've seen these principles in action. The "7 Habits" really work. Logic and critical thinking? You teach someone these simple skills, and you can see the lights turn on in their eyes. Ask any of my friends, and they'll tell you how I've helped make their lives better.

I truly believe we can all become better people. So, this is what's going to happen. I'm going to keep pushing forward, teaching these important concepts. This year I'm going to stick with economics and the more math-related ideas, but then as we progress, I'll start bringing in the juicier topics -- but not until we learn how to have productive discussions.

You can start now by watching these videos on logic. Consider them to be required if we have any hope to be productive. And yeah -- I know -- many say they already understand logic, but 90% of what I see flying around on social media is pure crap. And these logic videos can help clarify the basic concepts and prepare for thinking independently. Well, we'll get there.

Thank you for watching. Next week we'll return to the "7 Habits." Make sure to Like and Subscribe, and I'll see you soon on "Always Be Better."


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