#40) Tour of Melkim Publishing
Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. Today I'm launching the Small Business track of this video series. And for the first installment, I'll give you a tour of my own business, Melkim Publishing. I should probably give a quick disclaimer -- this is not a paid endorsement, but rather just a simple tour. <money appears from the side, I reluctantly accept the money.> Um, you did not see that. Let's see. Where was I. Oh yes ... I started this business toward the end of 2016. I sell sheet music -- mostly my music at first, but then I've ventured out to the music of other people, including some moderately big names such as Daniel Carter and Geoff Groberg . I'm also trying to help a few newer composers get recognized -- some individuals I believe have unrealized potential. How it works: you can go to my website at melkimpublishing.com , browse selections, and order sheet music -- either in electronic format or print. If you order ...