#52) The Afterlife and the Worth of Souls
Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. Today we're going to switch over to the Spiritual Track. But before we start, I'd like to remind you that as I've said before, my goal is to have everyone enjoy these conversations, including people of different faiths, and even atheists. So, I will do my best to keep these discussions agnostic. Also, I want these first three videos of this year to share a theme in common: the power of you . You'll see where this is headed by the end of this video. And one last observation before we begin... When we touch on religious, philosophical, and spiritual items, it's impossible to rely on evidence and logic alone -- this is something I'll explain in a later video. Nevertheless, I find these topics intriguing and often important, because they are all connected to our human experience. I will not be providing a water-tight proof, but rather some unique ideas that are always fun to discuss. I'll...