
Showing posts from September, 2021

#27) My Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Hello, and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. Today I'm going to tell you a true story from my own life -- a success story -- my own fifteen minutes of fame -- one of my fondest memories that I've told very few people. This happened back in the summer of 1986 when I was a teenager attending the Governor's Honors Program in Valdosta, Georgia. That was six weeks of intense instruction, projects, and lots of fun. Only the best of the best were chosen from all over the state, and I was one of them. I wrote about it in my daily journal, capturing much of what occurred. And reading it, I've noticed two things. #1) This experience changed my life. My attitude as a whole after the experience was entirely different and full of much more direction. And #2) 90% of what I wrote during the Program concerned my interactions with the people -- the friends I met -- the girls I chased. So yes. While I learned things, I also lived it up. People who know me i

#26) The P and PC Balance

Hello and welcome back to "Always Be Better" with Mel Windham. You may have noticed that I've been taking a little break. I just have a lot going on -- the music business is picking up again, and I must reassess my expectations. So, I've decided to slow down this video series -- just a little -- and give you a total of 30 videos this year instead of 36. I'm hoping this will result in better quality videos as well in the long run. We'll eventually get through everything I've planned. Today we will continue on with the 7 Habits track. If you would like to watch these videos from the beginning, you can start here , but today's concept is a good standalone one. Introduction to P/PC Balance Throughout his whole book, Stephen Covey refers to something called the P and PC Balance. But what does that mean? It's all about effectiveness. Covey explains with an Aesop's fable of the Golden Egg. In this story, a man is about to lose his farm but one day h